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Thursday, January 5, 2017

Christmas presents

I lost a couple days, but it's to be expected over the holidays.

I'm pretty stoked about my Christmas presents this year... I got books!  Nobody ever gets me books!  I got three as gifts picked out by other people and then I got a gift card to Amazon.  I have a hard time spending money on myself for things like books, but my husband threatened to take it and start ordering things off my wish list if I didn't do it myself, so I acquiesced and I'm glad I did.  Eight books in total.  Five will be here by the end of the week.
So, I'm starting with one of the presents picked out by my husband and mother-in-law.  I confess, I stalk my friends on Facebook very well.  Whenever they post that they are reading something I look it up to see if it would be anything I'm interested in and this one looked interesting so I put it on my wish list and this is one of the two I got over at mom and dad's place.  I'm enjoying it so far.  The dwarf perspective isn't the most common perspective in fantasy and so far it's different and I'm liking it.
I almost feel bad about this one.  I already have a copy and I learned that it wasn't the best translation so I was looking around for a better translation and when I found this I put it in my wish list.  My husband knows my tastes very well and chose this one as well.  I'm happy though and I can't wait to read it again.
I got this one from my cousin.  She'd gotten me anecdotal books from James Herriot before and I love stuff like this.  I'm looking forward to reading this one.
Of the books I chose for myself I started with a guaranteed winner.  I've been meaning to get The Silmarillion for a long time to round out my LOTR collection.  I'll probably read this one last so I can delve into all of my Tolkien's over again after I'm done with it. Lol!
This one seems like another guaranteed winner too.  I love the classic compilations.  I was surprisingly unimpressed with The Canterbury Tales, but I'm certain that The Arabian Nights will be much better.
Then I decided to take a chance.  I'd been eyeing this one since it was in hardback.  I'm surprised to see that Costner is an author, but it looks like it'll be a really good story.  I guess I'll find out.
The first sequel to Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children.  I quite enjoyed the first one and I thought about getting both this and the third one, but I don't often buy a lot of books at one time and I wanted some variety.
So I got the sequel to Dragon Song which is the second of the second trilogy of Pern.  Again, I thought about getting both this and Dragon Drums, but didn't for the same reason.

I'd considered getting all three books of His Dark Materials trilogy, but had a hard time pulling the trigger on that.  The last time I got a grouping of three books I was terribly let down.  Mind you they were the three sequels to City of Ember, which I loved, but I'm happy with the choices I made this time.  These should keep me busy for quite a while because, although re-reading isn't necessary for the sequels or the Silmarillion, I undoubtedly will.. *snicker*

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