Blog Archive

Tuesday, January 10, 2017


Needing a new routine. Needing to change some things. No, this isn't one of those idiotic chain-mail posts threatening to unfriend everyone because they don't pay enough attention to me by liking and sharing the chain-mail. This is a new year thing, I think. I've been working a late-evening shift for two years now and it's made me lazy... well, lazier than I used to be. I took care when I started to arrange to be asleep in time to give me at least 6 or 7 hours in the day time to be moderately productive before I go to work, just like I used to moderately productive for 6 or 7 hours in the evening when I'd get home in the day. But night work is different. Getting up at 9:30 or 10 in the morning makes me feel tired and apathetic. Will power and self discipline are harder to come by in the morning hours with work lurking around the corner and I find I've just become more of a zombie as time goes on. I've gained all my weight back from when I worked in the day time, which doesn't bother me as much as you'd think, but it's not helpful in getting the want-to's to do something useful in the day. It's part of the reason I feel tired all the time too. So, I'm going to make some changes. Changes in how I manage my time. Changes in how much time I spend on Facebook, though most of you won't notice since I have a phone and time during my breaks to find cat memes and interesting articles. I'll still do my Star Trek review's weekly, but I probably won't get on here every day.  After all.. this blog only gets 3 to 7 views per day so it's not like I have fans to please and keep up with.  I do this blog to keep my mind sharp and away from depressing thoughts.

However, the changes won't happen tomorrow. I need to consult my psychiatrist (my personal journal) and make a plan in the same way I've made a plan for how I manage my time at work on a daily and weekly basis. I don't like it that the only time I feel normal is at work... it doesn't seem natural. I'm sure it can be done and I'm the type of person that needs a solid routine to feel accomplished and even sane. Something that can be done in spite of the lethargy which comes with getting up so late in the morning. Something malleable to include days when I don't feel good and need to sit around for a few hours because I'm not fit to do anything else. Something that will make me feel like I'm not wasting away. I can't just keep waiting for a day job to fall into my lap, lol. Hashtag changes.

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