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Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Pondering technology in sci-fi/fantasy

I was thinking the other day of how many of our greatest classic movies would've been so completely different if they'd been made in the 21st century. Marty wouldn't have had to run back to the mall in order to try to save Doc Brown if cell phones had been prominent.

I guess that's why so many movies, especially fantasy movies must take place in fictional worlds or at least in the past.  For conflict to work in modern times such as with Harry Potter or the Miss Peregrine series, they need to take place in a hidden world or make use of time travel where modern technology doesn't work. But it's not only fantasy.

Even films that made use of technology were isolated from cell phone technology when it was still optional or too expensive.

There is fiction like Star Trek that predicted technological advances.

Then there's Star Wars where technology is incorporated but it's indeterminate and the franchise would seem to have a foot in both camps with use of the Force and even lightsabers.

Here's a couple videos displaying out dated and non-existent future tech..

The out dated tech keeps the movies from being timeless while the fictional tech helps to keep the movies relevant in many generations.

But my mind drifts to moments like the end of Back to the Future and movies like, The Goonies, the Christopher Reeve versions of Superman, etc. that would be altered irreparably by modern technology.  With the current trend of remaking movies, I'm grateful for the classics as well as the classic science fiction stories that were around before science caught up to the fiction... things like Journey to the Center of the Earth, and Out of the Silent Planet.  I'll have to make a list sometime of movies that it would be wrong to remake because it would take away the charm of the setting being in a time where there is no modern technology.  Can you think of any others?

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