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Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Star Trek Beginning to End: ENT

Continuing in the posts that rank my favorite series in the franchise, but not in order of most to least or vice-versa.  I'll rank them in the order they've run.

The prequel series, Star Trek Enterprise.  I was too busy adulting to devote much time to this one but what I saw of it I liked.  And, of course, I loved Scott Bakula from Quantum Leap, so I was certain this show would be okay.

The concept and time frame of this show made sense.  Shame on humans... I think literally humans and not just Americans... makes more sense when the humans are new and green to interstellar travel and haven't really progressed out from Earth much.  But, they didn't hang on that precept the way early TNG and VOY did.  They did the fun prequel things: early and underdeveloped technology; introducing transporters and improving warp drive; things that are more familiar to modern space stories like decontamination; trouble even getting started. Of course there was a Vulcan on board to help guide.  An alien doctor made sense because they'd possibly be facing extraterrestrial diseases.  And, of course, an English guy.  (Perhaps that's where Voyager took a wrong turn, lol.)  It was a lot of fun at first.  Then it got a little weird.  This series, like the others, was casting about to find a unique primary adversary.  I think they put too much into a time traveling nemesis.  Time travel is a fun concept, for sure.  It's good for an episode here or a movie there.  But, week after week and year after year it gets kind of tricky and begs a thinking person to blow holes in it.  Or at least gives a thinking person something of a headache.  Still, this show had a lot of charm which was helpful in looking past this flaw.

All of the characters were loveable.  I didn't get to see enough of it to get a chance to become attached to a secondary or reoccurring character, but I liked Dr. Phlox and Trip was always adorable.  I was happy to see more Vulcan culture. T'Pol became a little emotional for a Vulcan as it went on, but this series wasn't as simplistic as TOS, so I suppose things like that will happen.  I did like the Trip/T'Pol romance story that weaved in and out throughout the series.  And I loved the little puppy dog!

Enterprise is my 4th favorite and I'll catch up on all of its episodes one day too.  Time travel or not. I love Star Trek.

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