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Tuesday, July 18, 2017

New Who

So, the new Doctor is a woman. Woopty doo. And the bullying of anyone who doesn't accept it begins immediately.  Sexists!!!  Patriarchists!!! Oppressors!!! Isn't it sad how much the western world still HATESwomen???

It started before they even replaced Capaldi as evidenced in this scene where they telegraphed the move.  Petty obsession with gender... in case you get any ideas that a woman doctor is inappropriate, you better just check your male privilege right there you pig (or self-loathing woman).

The thing is, a woman doctor is totally appropriate and not really a big deal - until the entertainment industry makes it one. As long as the shows themes and premises remain the same, it'll be fine.  The fear of those of us who don't approve is that it will cease to become a show about the Doctor taking the companion(s) on mysterious adventures to save the universe.  Instead, every episode will be about the Doctor being a woman and how disadvantage she is because of it, with as much man-shaming humor as they can pack into 45 minutes without sounding like complete psychos. And since the new primary companion will be male, he'll naturally have to be either a drooling moron or a stereotypical sexist that needs to be continually put in his place by the patient Ms. Doctor.  Most likely a combination of both.  You need only look to the Ellen Degeneres show for an example: Once she came out of the closet, her show stopped centering around the hi-jinks of all the characters and every episode became about her being gay and shaming anyone who wasn't comfortable with it.  When her ratings tanked everyone yelled, "HOMOPHOBES!" No, actually it's their own fault - they sucked all the fun out of the room by turning the show into a political statement; the audience grew weary of that dead horse being flogged episode in and episode out. And that's the problem that people have with a woman Doctor... that Dr. Who will become a political platform for the angry feminist left. Newsflash - even though men have been cowed into not saying anything, most of them grow weary of being told how inferior to women they are.  And so do a lot more women than the entertainment industry realizes. So they better get it out of their system fast or the ratings will be adversely affected, but not because everybody is a sexist.

And if the memes that have been out there for the last two days are any indication, they're just proving my point.  To wit:

Notice the Bingo card doesn't address the concerns I've raised.  It touches on political correctness but doesn't go any further because people who complain about political correctness are obviously partisan bigots who are just mad because they lost. Their concerns don't form a coherent argument. Reject them without even trying to listen sheeple.

Then there's this gem:

See.. they're still crying about the fact that nobody was interested in the feminized Ghostbusters because all that matters is making a statement, not real substance.  And the fact that people are weary of it must mean its the people's fault. But, no we don't have to worry about any propagandist agenda behind this move. We're just overreacting sexists who hate women and don't appreciate female characters in literature. So much for lecturing people on bullying.

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