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Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Rogue One

Okay, so two days til the next Star Wars movie.  I will not be attending.  I will not be purchasing either for PPV or for DVD.  Nor will I even be renting or Netflixing.  For as much as I've written on the subject, I don't think there are quite enough words to describe the let-down that The Force Awakens was and it's hard to get past it.

Does this mean I'm prejudging it to be awful?  No.  This one actually seems promising by comparison.  It's not the signature rehash method of Abrams.  I understand Lucas was consulted on it and he actually approves of this one.  The trailers are interesting and not as vague as TFA.  It looks like it's slowed down enough to attempt some real story and focus on more than one character.  And I didn't fail to notice the tie-in of Mon Mothma which seems like a good move. 

But my trust is not easily won.  My attitude at this point remains to be:  Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice shame on me.  I can also see in the trailers the popular style of movie making as of late which tends towards the vapid and oversimplified, and I'm leery.  I suppose there wouldn't bee too much wrong with that since it takes place between trilogies and can stand alone.  But I still don't see that as a good excuse to sacrifice depth for action. No. Even if this one turns out to be alright, I think I'll just be stepping back from the whole thing now as I did with the Star Trek reboot stuff.  They're both proof that it's nearly impossible to strike gold twice in the same spot.  I don't like all movies just for the sake of them being movies or a certain genre or a certain specific story.  My standards are different.  I'm perfectly willing to give Rogue One a chance though... when it rolls around to a movie channel.

If you missed my opinions on TFA here are the links.  It's a lot of reading though, be warned.
Star Wars The Force Awakens
Luke vs. Rey

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