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Friday, February 22, 2019

Top Ten Least Favorite Star Wars Characters

Top ten least favorite Star Wars characters.

Not ranked from 10 to 1. Instead I'll just be going in chronological order, picking one or two from each film. For my personal preference I'm sticking to the 6 Lucas movies. Sequels not included because I don't like them and Animation not included because I've not seen any of them.
This was actually harder to do than I thought. There's very few Star Wars characters that I genuinely don't like. I actually like close to half the characters on this list but I have to put them here because of their actions as bad guys (when it's a bad guy.)
First pick: Shmi Skywalker
In this case, I just thought she was kind of boring to watch and she represented the one real disappointment in the prequels for me - the midichlorians. It's not her fault, but she's on my list of least favorites nonetheless.

Next up.. these two freaks. I count them as one because you never saw one without the other. Nute Gunray and Rune Haako. These guys were such tools and it was comical because they didn't even understand that they had no real power or control until the end while the most casual viewer could spot it right away. I don't hate them because they're too funny to actually dislike. But they definitely belong on a least favorite list because they were the useful idiots of the Empire.

 Omgoodness... It's hard to put anyone in this list especially Ian McDiarmid! My most beloved least favorite character. But Senator/Chancellor Palpatine is a bad person. More so than when he is the fully the Emperor undisguised. His disguise is what makes this character even more evil. A two-faced snake who whispers discord while wielding enough charisma to make people throw their freedom gleefully at his feet. He was such a nice guy in the Phantom Menace. Genuinely likeable; Padme's mentor, nearly. But he was the Menace by the time Revenge of the Sith arrived. Palpatine's bio is a movie I'd like to see. 

For number seven, I pick the Jengo clones. Not the kids. Not the masked and marching soldier.. but these guys... I actually love most of these "least favorite" characters. The clones in this eating scene seem to epitomize the Stormtrooper clichés... big dumb animals. Even though they were top notch when the Jedi were in charge, they quickly developed a reputation for not being able to hit the broad side of a building. Their adorable, vacant stares in this scene seemed to match up with that. I don't know why I'm bothering with a least favorites list.. this isn't working out well.. lol

Six:  Commander Cody. The face of betrayal. He turned on Obi-Wan and that adorable Boga critter. 'Nuff said. Funk Commander Cody.

Anakin. It's not that I don't like Anakin. The six movies combined was the story of Anakin Skywalker. He's the most important character in all of Star Wars, probably. I just didn't care for Hayden Christensen's acting. His face was expressive in the right way, but when he spoke it was a little stiff in most scenes. Child Anakin wasn't much better, but forgivable since he was a little kid.

Next...  No I don't actually hate Greedo... but looking back on the unaltered version of ANH, I'm pretty sure he did shoot first.. he just missed.

Next up, Jabba. I don't really dislike Jabba too much.. he's very charming in a mob boss sort of way. But his tongue was really creepy to me when I was a kid. Especially when Leia strangled him.

Next...  Who taunts and provokes a giant Sith with a scary robot voice? Who does that? This guy.. Conan Antonio Motti. I think it's safe to say he was asking for it...

Finally, my last choice is Mon Mothma. I'm sure she in a position of leadership for a reason but she gives off a definite air of "politician" and she's kind of boring as well. She wasn't an active leader like Leia.. In fact she seemed more like a princess than Leia... distant and cold. Iconic though. It's amazing how these characters with only a few lines stay with you for years and years.

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