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Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Spring Break

I don't get time off for spring break, but my husband does and we never miss an opportunity to spend time together since we work different shifts. So, attendance will be spotty this week. I'll have more Star Trek on Friday of course, but there's no telling what I'll get into up til then. One day this week we'll be gardening. Onion, tomatoes, and peppers are mainly what we do. My in-laws do beets and sometimes cucumbers and lettuce, but I don't think it'll get that complicated this year. My husband plans to put out ghostapenos. Here are some pictures of the garden and harvest in past years.

A row of onions... not quite straight, lol. Cuz I'm the one that puts the onions out every year.

We prefer to take most of them when they're green, but they fill out nicely and we usually have quite a few to dry out and use by mid to late summer.

The tomato plants are from last year. Better Boys and Celebrities. We're going to stick with those two cuz they make the biggest and fattest tomatoes. The harvest pic is from a couple of years ago when mom decided to put out Romas as well. Nothing like a home grown tomato. The store tomatoes never taste the same again.

We usually set up the jalepeno plants next to the tomatoes. The plant pic is from a couple of years ago when the garden was a little bigger and you can see mom's blackberries in the back. We raise the jalepenos almost for the sole purpose of making poppers... lol. There are some that are pickled in wholes, slices, and crushed bits,  but it takes a few years to get through them.

This may be a "tomorrow" project.  Have a great spring break week.

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