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Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Seven days Facebook Challenge

Participated in one of those Facebook picture challenges... this one was seven days of seven black and white photos of your life with no explanation.  But I enjoyed grayscaling these pictures and would like to explain them.

Day 1
A couple of different hot peppers given to us by a fellow wrestling promoter that we work with. The one on the right is a "ghostapeno" which is pretty self explanatory.  The left ones that look like berries are called "monkey nipples".... not sure if it has a better name, lol.  I tried a monkey nipple and it was more heat than I could handle.  I think I'll just stick to regular jalapenos.

Day 2
My fortune from the last time we got Chinese. They never give bad fortunes, of course, cuz nobody would buy them, but this one seemed pretty deep for a fortune cookie.

Day 3
The wrestling ring we've been using for the last 5 years to run shows.  It's been a part of my life for 18 years now and the day I posted this one was the day of our last show for a while.  It's not the first time we've "retired" and it won't be the last.  That's show business.

Day 4
From our trip to Elephant Rocks earlier this year. It was my favorite place in the park and I posed under this little rock cleft for a picture later.

Day 5
Flowers from outside my work place where the employees enter.  Planted by my boss.  They're so delicate and pretty in their little rock bed.  In color they're white, pink, and a light purple.

Day 6
Even though I love my pets, we've had so many over the years, it's hard to pick out just one or one set, but I still wanted to showcase things personal to me and this puzzle books seemed like a good demonstration of me.  I don't know how many people still work regular puzzles out of books with actual pencils anymore, but it's still one of my favorite ways to exercise my brain.

Day 7
Our guest book from our wedding.  The best story of the bunch that's still going. We forgot it at our wedding.  We looked for it when we did our vow renewal for our 20 year anniversary last year and couldn't find it.  A month later it turned up... I'm pretty sure we'll have it till we die now...

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