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Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Grizzy and the Lemmings

Oh my goodness, I've been seeing a lot of a new cartoon series lately called Grizzy and the Lemmings.  It's very new, I think cuz I can't find a lot of information on it and it's still in its first season. I saw it on Boomerang which is the cartoon channel for classic cartoons (at least 10 years or older.) It's obviously not old by any stretch of the imagination, but it's definitely old school.  You can feel the influence of Loony Tunes, Tom and Jerry, and many other classics.  It's so nice to see a cartoon that's all silliness and slap stick for a change without some kind of lesson or message.  From what I can gather, the bear and the rodents both break into a Mounty's mountain cabin after he leaves and are constantly fighting for control of the stuff inside... food, furniture, the television remote, etc.  And most of the time, nobody actually "wins" but they all end up worse for the wear, because they're all lovable losers. It's refreshingly fun just for the sake of fun.  Added to that is the incorporation of modern technology, like smart devises.  It opens up a whole new world of comic potential when they become magically powered after a run in with an electric pole. It's like Wile E. Coyote's ACME company moved into 2017.  It's great, and I think I really love it.

Here's a couple of sample videos.  The first is someone's idea of top ten moments... there are so many though, I can't really say whether I agree or disagree.

The next is a compilation of Lemmings moments and the havoc they cause.  I love the Lemmings.. they're so adorable!

So I definitely recommend this new show to anyone that likes classic cartoons.

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